Wednesday 21 December 2011

Thursday 27 October 2011

9th Week - 2 videos

In this review (filmed just before the above one) Mark & Paul Crosland have more of a laugh, discuss 'why give',, Keep the Aspidstra Flying (film & book), & Mark gives his general take on George Orwell.
Sue Coates has a hot-flush off camera, yet still joins in:
Mark reveals that his favourite book of all time is George Orwell's "Coming Up For Air" & for those who don't know the original John Cooper Clarke's "Suspended Sentence" -also referred to: Websites mentioned/hinted at: &

Wednesday 5 October 2011


Viktor Frankl -Man's Search for Meaning

Nils Christie -A suitable amount of crime

& a suggestion about crime and a poem by John Cooper Clarke:

Thursday 22 September 2011

4th Review

The Book "Trust" by Anthony Seldon & '7 Habits of Highly Effective People' by Stephen Covey:

And -the video below is a week later - we spoke about the same books again before moving onto others:

3rd Review

We recorded a review of:
1) Chris Johnstone videos recorded on Toothpaste007 channel
& 2) "A land fit for criminals" (which mark went on to review more fully later).
At Mark's request, this video has been removed from this site.